PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver eLearning Course



PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver eLearning Course

Take the next step and sign up for your PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver eLearning Course with Dan’s Dive Shop Today. Once you’ve completed the eLearning course you can contact us to sign up to complete your certification.

To learn more and for upcoming course dates click here.

PADI Enriched Air Diver Specialty Course

About the Course

Enriched air, also known as nitrox or EANx, contains less nitrogen than regular air. Breathing less nitrogen means you can enjoy longer dives and shorter surface intervals. No wonder Enriched Air Diver is the most popular PADI® specialty.

Take This Course If You Want to

  • Get nitrox air fills
  • Stay at depth longer
  • Enjoy shorter surface intervals

Learn How to

  • Dive with nitrox
  • Use an oxygen air analyzer
  • Set your dive computer

How to Earn an Enriched Air Nitrox Certification

Learn why nitrox allows you to make longer dives and how to dive nitrox safely through online independent study. Meet with your PADI Instructor for hands-on practical exercises, then make two (optional) dives.


PADI eLearning®

Online learning makes it easy to fit scuba lessons into a busy schedule. Complete the knowledge development section of your course whenever, wherever it’s convenient for you.

Work at your own pace, online or offline, using a computer or mobile device. Connect with your instructor for inwater training, or whenever you have a question.

  • eLearning time commitment: 2-4 hours

AT THE DIVE SHOP With Your Instructor

After finishing your independent study, you’ll learn how to analyze a tank, fill out an enriched air log, and set your dive computer for nitrox. There are two optional dives.
  • Prerequisites: PADI Open Water Diver (or qualifying certification)
  • Minimum age: 12 years or older
  • Depth: 0

Learn to Dive with Dan’s Dive Shop, Canada’s Oldest and most respected PADI Scuba Diving School.